Solace Sunrise Walk

Our 5K Walk/Run takes place each year to help support Solace House and create awareness around suicide prevention and mental health. Our community will remember those we have lost to suicide and walk together, in solidarity, reinforcing the message: “You are not alone”.


The Solace Sunrise Walk is a yearly 5k walk/run that raises funds and awareness for suicide and self-harm prevention. Those participating will walk from the darkness of pre-dawn into the bright, sun-filled morning, symbolizing the journey many in suicidal distress undertake when attending our services.

We are proud to have walks in many locations including, Bronx NY, Long Island City NY, Rockland NY, Catskills/East Durham NY, Asbury NJ and San Antonio TX.

The Solace Sunrise Walk not only raises much needed funds to maintain our free service, providing professional therapy for those who desperately need it, but it also facilitates the expansion of our service through the provision of awareness workshops and prevention training in each of our participating venues.

We look forward to walking with you this year, whether it is virtually or in person! If you are interested hosting a walk in your area, please email

If your company would like to become a sponsor, download our form HERE or host a walk in your area for you can contact


Join a Sunrise Walk near you.

We are so excited to bring back our Solace Sunrise Walk this year! Please join us in reinforcing the message: you are not alone.

See photos from past Sunrise Walks.